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King Edward VI Community College

King Edward VI Community College

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Physical Education

About Us

Our Commitment

KEVICC PE department believes in offering a diverse and balanced curriculum that is both engaging and progressive; meeting the individual needs of our students. We offer students the opportunities to develop leadership, enhance self-esteem, build social confidence and achieve personal goals throughout our curriculum. Our philosophy is embedded in our enthusiasm and passion for sport. We strongly believe in the value of sport and the role that it plays in developing students’ integrity and independence as well as their physical skills as they progress through the key stages.

Being part of a team cultivates the essential human emotion of belonging and therefore gives students and staff the confidence to succeed in other areas as well as within a competitive situation.    At KEVICC, students are encouraged to pursue interests outside of school within the community through our various club links and the contribution of our school sport partnership.

We celebrate the success of students and are always inspired by their imagination, personal success and individual excellence.

Our Expectations

We have a ‘no note’ policy in PE which means that students may bring in a note to explain that there is a medical issue which may prevent them from taking part in the physical aspect of the lesson but they still require PE kit and to change unless this is not possible due to injury, GP guidance and teacher discretion. All students are to change and those who are not able to participate in the physical aspect of the lesson should take part in all other aspects; evaluation, role of coach, role of official, group leader etc.

Students are expected to wear KEVICC PE kit during PE lessons.     

Protective equipment: shin pads and gum shields must be worn for games activities in Hockey, shin pads must be worn for games activities in Football and gum shields must be worn for games activities in Rugby.

Football boots are required for all activities on the fields.  No studded boots of any kind are allowed on the astro turf so students are advised to have a pair of astro turf trainers alternatively any normal sports trainers are adequate.

Trainers should be a change of shoe from those they have worn to school and must be worn at all times during the lesson. When groups are in the sports hall only non-marking trainers will be allowed on the hardwood sprung floor and these must be clean and dry.

Jewellery is not permitted except medical bracelets.  If a student has newly pierced ears they are responsible for bringing tape of plasters to cover them for safety reasons within their PE lessons until they are able to be removed.

Socks should also be a change to those they have worn to school and are to be either white/black basic socks or the KEVICC football socks, which are part of the compulsory PE kit.

Students are expected to arrive on time and with the correct PE kit to take part in the lesson. If they have a medical issue or a reason to be excused from part of the lesson they must report to the teacher as soon as they get to the changing rooms at the start of the lesson. Students are expected to get changed, follow instructions and engage in the lesson. We want students to be motivated to try their best in the lesson and feel confident to engage in all aspects of the lesson. Students are not permitted to chew gum at all in the college and should not carry personal items in their pockets during the lesson unless for medical use; e.g. an inhaler. Finally students should speak to and treat each other with respect and show characteristics of respect and sportsmanship at all times.


Home Learning

At KS3 students have the ability to complete the extended learning booklets to stretch their knowledge within PE and will complete Physical literacy tasks throughout the academic year. This will be assessed at the end of each academic year and will feedforward to give students a developed platform of knowledge when potentially moving in to exam groups or participating in sport socially out of school.

Work to be completed at home, is set for KS4 and 5 exam classes and are crucial to achievement. They are integral tasks linked closely with the course content to aid and extend learning.

Extra-Curricular and Enrichment

We run an extensive extra-curricular programme which offers a number of opportunities for students to engage in activities at lunchtime and after school.  Please see the current extra-curricular list for further details below.

In addition to this we also have various fixtures with other teams, leagues and cups that we enter at local and regional level and our own house matches which are run at varying times throughout the year. The house matches allow students to compete against each other within their lesson time and build up to the ultimate house competition, which is Sports Day held in the summer term.  Each house match gives the house points, which are added to the points awarded on Sports Day and the winning house is awarded the house shield.