Courier Spring 2016 - page 30

Since our last entry it has been a fairly quiet time for the
Society, but life has gone on for us as it has for staff and
students at the College. Sadly, we have been advised of the
deaths of four more of our members in recent months but
all had led very active and long lives.
Following on from the theme
of remembering those who fell
during the Great War and the
manyconflicts since, theSociety
laid a wreath of remembrance
at the Totnes War Memorial. The
wreath was laid by our member
Miss M.N. (Peggy) Penhale who
left school in 1945 toward the
end of the Second World War.
Our Secretary and his wife were
delighted to be invited to attend
a performance of
Les Misérables
in recognition of the Society
funding the purchase of five new
LED lights for the Theatre. It was
good to see the effectiveness
of their use and also the personal microphones, some of
which were purchased by the Society in the past. We are
sure that there will be reports on the production elsewhere
in this publication BUT it would be quite wrong to let this
opportunity pass without an ‘independent’ comment.
Everyone can be justly proud of the production we saw on
the first night. We saw no-one forget their words, minor
set malfunctions were worked around professionally as if
nothing had happened, and the singing and acting could
have graced any stage. We have seen the show on film
and twice on stage, in London and Plymouth, and what we
saw at KEVICC did not disappoint. As a male voice choir
singer I appreciated the excellent harmonies in the chorus
work and the wife and I really enjoyed some excellent
soloists. The rendition of
A Heart Full of Love
brought tears
of emotion to my eyes. We had an excellent night out –
thank you.
Members are now looking toward their spring reunion at
The Royal Seven Stars Hotel at 12 noon hours on Saturday
23 April 2016. If you are a former student or member of
staff, why not pop in and say ‘hello’? For further information
about your Alumni, please contact Barry Warren, Honorary
Secretary on 01884 34670 or
Page 30
Old Totnesians
Mary Lidstone Charitable Trust
Mrs Penrice, staff and students who use the THRIVE room
would like to say a huge THANK YOU to the Old Totnesians for
their generous donation enabling us to buy some fantastic
equipment for our room:
• Sensory lamps and lights enabling us to set up a lovely
sensory room for times when we need peace and quiet.
• Great board games e.g. RISK, The Game of Life, UNO,
Geomag Glow – great for turn taking, learning patience
and helping one another when we find following the rules
of games and instructions a little difficult.
• Assorted creative equipment for our fantastic art projects.
• Lovely soft colourful throws for our comfy bean bags.
• Magazine rack for all the magazines and books kindly
donated by the library and other people. We enjoy the
peaceful time to sit and read quietly.
• Folding wall bracket for the punch bag kindly donated
by Mrs Mudge, which is now helping during those really
stressful times.
In the Autumn Courier edition, we let you know about the second tranche of
students supported by the Trust - this brings the total numbers supported currently
to 9 students. This year's new intake should be reporting back on their first two
terms at university in time for the summer edition of the Courier.
Applications for September 2016 university entrants have now been received and
the application round is closed. This year we have received full applications from
5 eligible students, with a further 5 applications awaiting additional information.
The Trustees will be shortlisting, and then interviewing, applicants after the Easter
break, and hope to be able to support up to a further 5 students to commence
studies from September this year.
Look out for news of successful applicants in the summer edition of the Courier.
The 2016 round of applications (for September 2017 university entrance) will open in
the summer term. Information leaflets about the Mary Lidstone Trust are available
from both Kennicott and Redworth receptions. Teresa Lakeman, Business Director
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