Sixth Form Results 2019

Following an extremely positive ‘Good’ Ofsted judgement in the summer term, staff and students at King Edward VI Community College are celebrating excellent Sixth Form results. The recent Ofsted report highlighted that ‘classes are small and students appreciate the individual attention this provides’ and ‘analytical marking’ and feedback have led to improved student outcomes. This has been borne out in this summer’s results, with over half of students achieving grades A*-B in all qualification types. Staff, students and parents are delighted that the hard work and dedication of our young people, the support of their families and expertise of teaching staff has been rewarded so highly.
Modern Foreign Languages have enjoyed particular successes this year, as well as Philosophy and Geography where all students achieved grades A*-B. A Level Mathematics are celebrating three A* grades, with twelve A* awarded across all subjects. 24% of grades awarded at A Level were A* or A. English Language and Literature and English Literature continue to be a strong subjects at A Level, alongside Photography and Film Studies. Applied Learning courses in Art and Design, Media and Sport have enjoyed a 100% pass rate.
A large proportion of students have scored top grades, with Tom Backhouse achieving an exceptional A* in Mathematics, A in Further Mathematics and A in Physics; Jay Benigni achieving A* in Italian, A in French and A in Spanish and securing a place at Oxford University; Felix Dennison has straight A grades in Geography, Mathematics and Biology; Samuel Glanfield has achieved an incredible pair of A* grades in Mathematics and Further Mathematics and an A in Physics; Daisy Miller has excelled with an A* in English Language and Literature, A in Film Studies and A in Photography. Rebecca Meanwhile and Hester Aspland achieved a triple Distinction* in Art and Design. In Sport, Oliver Dakin-Edwards achieved a double Distinction*.
We are an inclusive Sixth Form and we are incredibly proud of all of our students, especially those who have had to struggle against personal adversity to achieve the grades that they so richly deserve. Amy Withers, Head of Sixth Form is delighted with this year’s results: “Our students and staff have worked incredibly hard this year to achieve these wonderful results. Our sole purpose is to help young people to realise their true potential and I am delighted to see this talented cohort fulfilling their ambitions for the future.”
Many of our Kennicott students are going on to study at the most prestigious universities. Further to Jay heading off to Oxford University, Toby Gronow is heading to Nottingham University to study Psychology; Jasmine Sharp has a place at Exeter University to study Maths; Abi Green is going to the University of East Anglia to take up their prestigious Creative Writing degree following in the footsteps famous writers like Ian McEwan and Kazuo Ishiguro. Tom Backhouse is progressing to Royal Holloway to study Theoretical Physics.
Alan Salt, Principal, extends his congratulations to staff, students and their families: “Kennicott Sixth Form is an incredibly valuable part of our College. I am so proud of the excellent results achieved by this group of inspirational young people. The strong results achieved across the board, in subjects as diverse as Physics, Applied Sport, Art and Design and French are a testament to all that great comprehensive education should provide.